Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Knitterly Celebration

Margaret had a birthday.  She had the grace to have her birthday fall on a regular knit night.   Naturally, this calls for a bit of celebration. 

This is the birthday girl.  Our regular knit night now takes place at Kraemer's Koffee Bistro in Riverside.  If you are ever in the area (the Brockton Arcade) stop in and say hello to Jake, Ken and the gang.  One reason to frequent a local shop is the perks that come with familiarity.

We are all comfortable with our LYS and the occasional surprise discount or early pilfering through the new shipment.  Well, coffee shops work the same.  For the birthday party, we brought in our own pie and coffee cake - but Ken graciously brought out a pretty platter and a real cutting knife.   And he joined in the festivities with us.

So, exactly what does a Birthday Party at a local hang out look like when knitters are involved?

Occasionally, there was not much knitting.

Occasionally there was a lot of knitting.

There was admiring of progress.

And, if you will note the carton, there was a delivery of fresh eggs from the chickens - a regular event at knit night.

Near the end of the celebration, after our review of the Oscar telecast and the admiring of the new tile wall at Kraemer's,  Margaret spoke up and asked for help remembering the secret for grafting stitches.   That's what I love about knit night.  All manner of fun and free help when you are stuck.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! Happy Birthday to Margaret! What night is knit night?
