Thursday, December 15, 2011

Brief Shining Moment

For one brief shining moment of time, I was caught up.  The time line was under control.  You hear that, Madame Fate.  I was in control!  And then. 

And then. 

And then. . .

opportunity came my way and all semblance of calm control vanished as though it were smoke up the chimney.

It seems that my hat knitting days are not over.  Unfortunately, the blue stash was used up for the hats that where shipped away.  What is it with blue this year?   I thought grey was the new black, but maybe it is blue that is the new black.  Oh, well.  I was forced (Forced, I tell you.  'Twas not my fault) to go shopping for more yarn.  And, what does "blue" mean when standing in the midst of temptation.  Weaker women will state that it only takes one skein to make a hat.  But, I am a woman of strength and I know that the odds are strong that more than one skein of blue yarn will be needed in my knitterly life.  That's all I'm saying on that topic.

 So, the black scarf and a second dragon scarf are on hold while I whip out another hat.  This makes the top of the coffee table look rather disorganized. 

It is organized in my own special fashion.  The black alpaca is in a bag and contained in a bowl on top of pattern that one day will be cast on.  The second dragon scarf is under the beginnings of the necessary blue hat (work order - finish the blue and discover the dragon).  Off to the side is a new phone sock that still needs a button.  And placed just so is the ball 'o blue and the dragon cone with beads at the ready. 

But that is not all!   Nay, Madame Fate has dropped another in my lap.  Under the table at my feet and surrounded by potato chip crumbs (late night energy) is a bag of organic cotton that wants to become a donation of  wash cloths for an activity in early 2012.

I love knitting or crocheting for moi.  But I adore making items for others.  Maybe the job of Madame Fate is to prevent narcissism and keep me looking outward to the needs of others.

Oh, that Madame Fate - - she is one smart cookie.

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