Tis done! Two matching wristers are completed and all of those ends are woven in. Even the picot hems are stitched neatly into place.
Things I loved about BBR's class and this project:
* discovering that working a cast on edge with two colors is exactly the same as working with one color. Huge impact with the same old thing.
* accepting that changing color on every row results in lots and lots of ends that look like dreadlocks needing to be controlled.
* acknowledging that weaving in ends is nothing to dread. Fretting takes more time and doing.
* delighting in the mystery that is twined knitting - or purling as a the case may be.
Here we have visual proof that two matching little wrist cuffs are completed. The colors make me happy and bring a bit of festivity to a black sweater. I am particularly happy with this:
They're beautiful! John had an epiphany about a year ago which I try to apply to the finishing work on my knitting, (because, let's face it, I'd much rather be knitting). "Am I NEVER going to do this? If not, then I should let it go and forget about it (or perhaps hire someone to do it). If I'm EVER going to do it, I should begin now."