Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What? Another Shawlette

Yes, another bit of crochet; another shawlette.  This time in glorious and festive red.  You will note that this version, like the first, is worked sans trim rows as specified in the pattern (aka South Bay Shawlette from Lion Brand).  

Check out the pattern and you will discover that it is designed for silk mohair.  Just not my style for this size of a little shawl.  And it is summer.  And I live in a desert!  No mohair in July for moi.

But red.  Oh yes, wonderful red.  I shall be shawlin' on Labor Day, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Memorial Day and even the next time that July 4th rolls around.  This is my holiday shawlette and it will receive lots of wear simply because of the color.  Compliments not necessary - but appreciated.

I do think this bit of crochet looks most fabulous made with string - like my first summer shawlette last seen here.  This red version is made from katia soda which wants to be sport weight.  And it looks fine still - just not so delicate.  Do note that in this heftier yarn (well, all is relative, don't you know)  a very nice size was accomplished with a total of 28 rows.  

Katia Soda is 44% cotton, 44% viscose and 12% nylon wispy bits.  Just enough wispy bits to capture the eye, but not so much as to cause the wearer to look like a giant fluff ball.

You might be fretting that folks in my social milieu will get plain sick and tired of seeing me in the same handwork on so many festive occasions.  I've got it covered.  Any perception that I always wear the same old thing will result in this shawlette magically transforming into a home decor item.  Voila! 

Won't this look absolutely joyous with a gleaming white LED fake candle?

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