Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Ribbing Is Over!

It was do or give up day. All of that endless ribbing for the beginning of my skirt had just about fried my brain. The little break to make the red seed stitch bag really helped. It helped so much that I kept the ribbing in second place and cast on for a February Lady Sweater which, for those who missed that craze, can be found here.

All of the increases on the FLS were done earlier this morning. Decision time was upon me. Either keep on with the lady sweater whilst ignoring the ribbing or just get it done. I chose the noble route and returned to the endless rounds of ribbing. So, I packed up the required tools and just enough yarn to finish and headed off to Knit 'n Stitch here in Riverside where there is always a table full of souls willing to make 'tsk, tsk' sounds over what ever needs to be tsk-ed.

And so, spured on by the industrious work being done by the loyal knitters, I did not give up. I worked, I chatted, I perused, I measured. And before you can say boring, it was done. Finished. Not only finished, but the bind off was accomplished - - loosely - - - and I even remembered to go up a few needle sizes so as not to loose the stretch.

I thought of posting a lovely photo of this top part of the skirt. But no one, especially me, wants to see a picture of that much dull grey ribbing.

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