Two days. That's all the time that is needed. OK -make that two days of only fiddling with yarn and sticks, but it is possible to complete Grace Akhrem's Seaweed Scarf in two days. Well if you don't count the time to wet block this edge into some manner of niceness, it can be done. (You can find all manner of Grace's patterns on Ravelry, your local LYS or online.)
Oh, yes, some blocking is required. This is straight off the needles. Much curling mess - rather like Seaweed! No one will ever say that the pattern is inappropriately names. The pattern cover photo naturally shows the small (as in very small - but more later) scarfette in a lovely green so as to drive home the name seaweed.
Naturally, I found a soft coral sport weight from Louet in the stash and used it to make my first Seaweed Scarf. The very thought of seaweed around the neck sounds just a bit "icky" and strangely suffocating to me. But soft coral about the face sounds so very glow enhancing! Yes, me thinks it better to be swathed in soft coral than to be choked by seaweed.
Two options are offered within the pattern. Counts for both worsted and sport weight are offered so all the math is already done.
As written, this is a small scarfette. Too small for me, I think. Even if the blocking results in some growth, I still think it will be small. Testing the fit about my own neck has me thinking that some closure is required so that constant and continual adjustment and fiddling can be avoided. HMMM. I am still thinking through this and hoping that the blocking solves my major concern about length.
Do know that this version is made with sport weight and I followed the instructions to the exact row and stitch count. Please do not mis-read these words. The pattern is fine. The result is fun and flirty. The beginning is unique and adds new skill to the repertoire. The bind off is not typical. I'll probably make this again - just because it is a quick knit. But, the math to add another twenty-four rows to the stockinette section is already hand written on the pattern and more yardage will be acquired before commencing on version two.
The edge is quite fun. I love a "look" that is easy to memorize and does not require constant pattern reading just to make it through. Here you get a feel for how the blocking will turn out.