I've taken it all and am thoroughly hooked.
Someone, who should remain nameless, gifted me with a gift during the festive merriment that is a family Christmas. Yeah and verily, beads, supplies, findings and printed words are now in the stash.
Of course, there is no room in the stash for a new stash. Something has got to give. The stash hiding space(s) just might have to expand somehow. One would think that such tiny objects - beads and all - would not, could not, shall not require very much space.
Really. Beads are so small. Little hooks and bits and rings are so small. But somehow, it expands so quickly and uses up shelf space and squeezes out the yarn stash.
OH WAIT. This is a blog about learning to knit beaded bracelets. It is not about stash building and stash hiding and stash space and stash organizing.
I learned to knit a beaded bracelet. With supplies from my gift. A new addiction of poking needle and string through beads is born.
Before the stash digression got me off track, I indicated that someone should remain nameless. Should. Not will.
This is Sarah - aka daughter #1. If you see her, back away and run in an opposite direction. She might look like an innocent and sweet intelligent adult who has love for her mother.
But she is a sneaky gift giver who blows up your yarn stash with a new addiction. Oops, I mean obsession.
I just might demand that she return to the homestead and reorganize the whole stash system to make room for beads, beads, findings, beads, instructions, beads, &tc!
PS - thank you Sarah. Love, Mama